import arcpy
import numpy
import math
fc = r"c:\temp\somedata.shp" # assume projection is projected coordinate system not Lat/Long where measurements are in decimal degrees
width = 10000 # meters
height = 10000 # meters
# Gets the feature classes' extent
desc = arcpy.Describe(fc)
extent = desc.extent
# Set the Mask
arcpy.env.mask = fc
# Calculate the number of columns
dist_x = math.sqrt(math.pow((extent.XMax - extent.XMin), 2))
dist_y = math.sqrt(math.pow((extent.YMax - extent.YMin),2))
col_x = int(dist_x / width)
col_y = int(dist_y / height)
if col_x % distanceMeters > 0:
col_x += 1
if col_y % distanceMeters > 0:
col_y += 1
# Construct the structure numpy array with random values
numpyArray = (numpy.random.permutation(col_x * col_y) + 1).reshape(col_y, col_x)
# Convert array to raster
myData = arcpy.NumPyArrayToRaster(numpyArray,
arcpy.Point(extent.XMin, extent.YMin),
width, height)
# Convert the raster to a polygon feature class
grid = r"%s\gridData" % arcpy.env.scratchGDB
grid = arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(in_raster=myData,
The code takes the extent of the data and creates a grid. The mask environmental parameter essentially clips the raster to the shape of the feature class. This way you only gets cells within the given polygon area. If you wanted cells to fall outside the feature classes' shape, then just comment out that line.So that is that.
If you haven't done so, check out ArcREST.
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